Waiting for ramps once more.

Even as the first snows of winter grip Tucker County some residents are counting down the days until they can once more enjoy some fried potatoes and ramps.

This little wild onion has captivated those who can handle the smell since the times of Native Americans when they were often used as both a food source and medicinal herb by multiple tribes.

In the modern day they remain an acquired taste with a cult like following of backwoods chefs steaming, frying, freezing, canning, and otherwise prepping them for a good old fashioned family dinner. Ramps grow wild and plentiful in our area and every year residents take full advantage of the free wild ingredient to make an ever growing number of delectable dishes. Local churches and restaurants are even getting in on the fun by offering ramp dinners, ramp burgers, and other ramp inspires dishes.

Much to the dismay of many wives, neighbors, and anyone else within smelling range ramps remain a dietary staple in many Tucker County homes and this is a trend I don't see changing anytime soon.

Ramp fever may have taken hold while the snow is here but rest easy ramp enthusiasts before you know it the snow will melt, spring will come, and you'll once again be out in the hollers and hills digging a bounty of smelly culinary gold.


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