Just a holiday in small town U.S.A.

As I sit here reading the inevitable plethora of headlines dotting news networks across the country once again talking about removing Christ from Christmas I can't help but be thankful to live in small town U.S.A.

In a town where Christmas is still called Christmas, council meetings still open with a prayer, and neighbors still help neighbors because they want to and not because public sentiment dictates they must.

We live in a town where everyone knows everyone and if you're without someone will make due with less to ensure you're fed, clothed, or otherwise comfortable, most likely a member of one of the many churches that dot the landscape of our town.

Christmas is a celebration of giving onto others a little bit of joy and a feeling of family that they may have been missing, it's making even strangers feel welcome at the table, and providing room for forgiveness and charity in your heart.

In our small community around Christmas time you may notice an increase in small yet welcome acts of kindness, things like the person in front of you at the drive thru picking up your bill, someone stepping up to pay for your groceries, or a wrapped plate of sugar cookies that appear randomly at your door. While these acts may seem small in nature they can have a big meaning to the person receiving them and can brighten someone's entire day by providing proof that in a world full of evil good people still exist.

Keep those acts of kindness moving forward and help someone who needs it this Christmas here in small town U.S.A.


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