Snow is on the way once more.

It's once again time to put on those studded tires and brace for old man winter to unleash his fury on our small mountainous towns.

While most of the country might tell you a gas guzzling 4x4 is unneeded those residents who live on the many narrow backroads of Tucker County would surely disagree.

I grew up on Limestone and can remember the  snow drifts that blew across the roads from the open corn/hay fields on either side. The sight of these drifts would make a Prius admit defeat and a 4x4 owner drool with the anticipation of gunning the engine and busting through with snow flying up over the windshield. Limestone is a narrow paved road in St. George and in all honesty as far as Tucker County backroads go it's one of the better ones.

To many residents the snow means tiresome shoveling, salting, and spinning, to the state road workers who are tasked with the job of keeping both our main and backroads open it means long hours in salt trucks, loaders, and other pieces of equipment, and to the smiling school children snow means the same thing it meant in my youth... SNOW DAYS!!

Whatever the winter snowfall means to you remember to be safe as the roads are going to be slick and I'm sure the fine folks at Tucker 911 won't complain if you practice safe driving and they get a night without calls coming in.


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