What does the future hold for Dixie Dave's?

It's been a few years now since I launched Dixie Dave's a company I started as an online retailer of Confederate merchandise and later expanded to include pro gun, military, patriotic, redneck, hillbilly, EMS, Firefighter, biker, religious and other merchandise while relocating the shop to a brick and mortar store located on Second St. in downtown Parsons. 

It's been a lot of fun running the shop over the past few years and I've really enjoyed getting to know our first responders, military members, and Conservative citizens, over that time we became an NRA recruiter, NFIB member, and the place to go to get items that were considered politically incorrect, controversial, and hard to get.

I made the decision recently to shutter the business in favor of launching in it's place a new shop focusing on locally made items, WV souvenirs, WVU merchandise, and anything else made in or to do with the state I love. If you missed getting in to see Dixie Dave's we're still up and running with increasing discounts as I work to eliminate all remaining inventory before beginning to stock and launch the new business. At this time our clearance sale is in full swing and all new inventory orders have ceased.

The new business I'm currently working on in the background already has documents filed for the name Mountain State Market as well as distributor accounts with several souvenir manufacturing companies and once operational will feature items made in Tucker County, West Virginia, custom made products sourced from within our state, as well as souvenirs geared towards our out of town customers and tourists. I hope to be able to carry locally made jams and jellies, sauces, soaps, candles, shirts, and more while supporting other small businesses, crafters, and business owners in our state. I will also eventually carry branded items made specifically for my Tucker County Connection group, WVSnakes.com site, and other West Virginia themed properties, groups, and pages I currently operate.

I will have to go outside West Virginia for a small portion of the overall planned inventory and will only do so when a manufacturer within our state cannot be found to fulfill the need. At this time a launch date for the new shop is still TBD and the remaining Dixie Dave's inventory will continue to be discounted and sold off to make room for the eventual launch of the new venture. If you operate a business in West Virginia that makes a product chances are you'll be hearing from me over the next few months as I source our new inventory lineup.


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