
Showing posts from February, 2018

It's bad Math and they're teachers trust me they know.

Few things in life are more import than the education of our children, a fact that seems to have fallen on def ears when it comes to the governing body of our state as they proceed to cut benefits and fail to offer fair pay to the teachers and other public employees that fill that and other important roles in our daily lives. Educational staff, public employees,  and concerned citizens alike took to the courthouse square Thursday to vent their frustration while sporting signs declaring "Fund PEIA Now", "Will work for health care", "Stand up for your rights!", along with many other well thought out and to the point slogans. The public protest was met with a warm reception from a majority of drivers as they honked horns well into the evening showing support. Just what brought them out? It was primarily cuts to the states PEIA (Public Employees Insurance Agency) insurance program paired with lower than expected wage increases which are leaving West Virg...

What does the future hold for Dixie Dave's?

It's been a few years now since I launched Dixie Dave's a company I started as an online retailer of Confederate merchandise and later expanded to include pro gun, military, patriotic, redneck, hillbilly, EMS, Firefighter, biker, religious and other merchandise while relocating the shop to a brick and mortar store located on Second St. in downtown Parsons.  It's been a lot of fun running the shop over the past few years and I've really enjoyed getting to know our first responders, military members, and Conservative citizens, over that time we became an NRA recruiter, NFIB member, and the place to go to get items that were considered politically incorrect, controversial, and hard to get. I made the decision recently to shutter the business in favor of launching in it's place a new shop focusing on locally made items, WV souvenirs, WVU merchandise, and anything else made in or to do with the state I love. If you missed getting in to see Dixie Dave's we...