A helping hand: NCWVCAA

Most of my life that I can recall has been spent in Tucker County from the time I was five I've lived in one part of the county or another.

What I like about living in Tucker County is the friendliness from the locals, the small town setting, and the neighbor helping neighbor practice prevalent in our small town/country setting. If you're broke down chances are someone will stop to help you in one way or another, if you're hungry someone will feed you, or if you're otherwise in need it's usually taken care of by the many churches, friendly residents, or Community Action.

NCWVCAA is a wonderful non-profit organization with many programs and resources to help low income families who fall short and can't pay their bills, need to find a place to stay, or otherwise need help. I found them when me and my wife first moved out of our parents homes and we had some unexpected financial setbacks resulting in us being a little short on rent. They stepped up with the help of local churches and business backing and paid our rent for a brief time until we got back on our feet. Even though this was many years ago I still remain grateful to them for the assistance they've provided to me in the past and continue to provide to other less fortunate or down on their luck residents and families in both our area and the other areas they serve.

While they are a welcome addition to Tucker County they wouldn't be able to do what they do without the help and support of local residents, businesses, churches, and organizations in the area and they always welcome donations and support to help fund their fight against poverty and the programs they offer in the counties they serve. If you need help or wish to inquire about providing help you can reach the local Tucker County office at 304-478-3536.


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