It's been a few years now since I launched Dixie Dave's a company I started as an online retailer of Confederate merchandise and later expanded to include pro gun, military, patriotic, redneck, hillbilly, EMS, Firefighter, biker, religious and other merchandise while relocating the shop to a brick and mortar store located on Second St. in downtown Parsons. It's been a lot of fun running the shop over the past few years and I've really enjoyed getting to know our first responders, military members, and Conservative citizens, over that time we became an NRA recruiter, NFIB member, and the place to go to get items that were considered politically incorrect, controversial, and hard to get. I made the decision recently to shutter the business in favor of launching in it's place a new shop focusing on locally made items, WV souvenirs, WVU merchandise, and anything else made in or to do with the state I love. If you missed getting in to see Dixie Dave's we...